Payment Methods

pay online

Payment rules

  • Payments are only accepted in euros.
  • The customer is responsible for the accurate and true registration of their credit or debit card details in the respective payment forms of the cooperating banks with the website The COMPANY does not bear any responsibility for any incorrect entry.
  • The customer is responsible for checking the order before it is completed. Therefore, the customer accepts the order terms with their final confirmation. A copy of the order will be sent in written (e-mail) to their e-mail address.
  • Cash on delivery and cash are not available as payment methods for purchases over 500 euros (Law 4446/2016).
  • Cash on delivery and cash are not available as payment methods for products that are not in stock or for custom products / special productions such as mattresses / mattress toppers, foam, chair cushions, curtains, products with your logo printed (special products). In this case, the production of the final product will begin only when the total amount is paid for the unavailable or special products.
  • Cash on delivery is not available for deliveries in foreign countries.
  • All orders will remain active for 5 working days to be paid via wire transfer in order to be sent by courier or shipping operator (counting from the date of order) or cash on delivery at the courier / cash on collection at the store (from the date of the first notice of receipt). In case the order has not been paid or received within 5 working days, it is automatically canceled.
  • The COMPANY has the right to return the amount of the payment to the client, without any other obligation of the COMPANY to the customer, if in case of various reasons, as the COMPANY considers, it is unable to deliver the product / products within a reasonable timelimit or according to its own specifications.
  • The COMPANY has the right to request a prepayment of partial or overal payment of order if its value is over 500 euros in order to start preparing the order. In case the corresponding amount has not been paid within 5 working days (counting from the first written notice by email), the order is automatically canceled.

Acceptable payment methods are:

  • Cash: The customer has the right to pay the total price (including the agreed charges / expenses) in cash at the store’s cash desk (option “collect from the store” on shipping methods). Not valid for unavailable products or special products.
  • Cash on delivery: The customer has the opportunity to pay the total price (including the agreed charges / expenses) in cash directly to the employee of the transport company upon delivery / receipt of the order (option “courier / shipping” option on shipping methods). The cost for cash on delivery is extra € 1.5.
  • Credit or debit card: We accept VISA, MASTERCARD and MAESTRO cards from all banks. We do not accept Diners and American Express cards. When submitting the order, you will be transferred to the secure electronic payment environment of the cooperating Eurobank bank to enter your card details and to accept the bank terms for electronic transactions in order to complete the payment of your order.
  • PayPal: Select the PayPal button “PAY NOW” to be transferred to the secure electronic payment environment of the cooperating PayPal bank to complete the payment of your order. The customer will be charged with 3.4% of the total value of the order + 0.35 euros per transaction. For example, for a total order of 100 euros (including shipping charges), the customer will have to pay 103.4 + 0.35 = 103.75 euros.
  • WIRE transfer in a bank account (physical store, e-banking or phone banking): Direct transfer of the total amount to one of the following corporate accounts (Attention! Please indicate the order number as well as your name in the comments sections for the immediate identification of the payment):
    • Alpha Bank: 534-00-2002-008700 (IBAN: GR020140534053400002008700), Beneficiary: IOSIFIDIS IOANNIS IRAKLIS IRIOS
    • Eurobank: 0026-0151-16-0201016848 (IBAN: GR9502601510000160201016848), Beneficiary: IOSIFIDIS IOANNIS IRAKLIS IRIOS
    • National Bank: 225-00536002 (IBAN: GR7901102250000022500536002), Beneficiary: IOSIFIDIS IOANNIS IRAKLIS IRIOS
    • Piraeus Bank: 5515-090842-704 (IBAN: GR0701725150005515090842704), Beneficiary: IOSIFIDIS IOANNIS IRAKLIS IRIOS

In case the customer chooses to make a transfer through another bank, they must pay the bank transfer charges in full. Any delay in completing the payment is the sole responsibility of the customer.